Do you, your patients or loved ones suffer from chronically high blood pressure? Are you on common drugs like diuretics (frusemide) or ACE inhibitors (perindopril) to manage your condition? Do you get leg cramps, eye twitches, gout, dry mouth, altered taste sensations in the mouth? These could be side effects of the medications you are on. Do you want to manage your elevated blood pressure with natural alternatives and reduce your reliance on prescription drugs? May be you could reduce or even half the dosage of your medication. Is this something that you want? You will be surprised just how easy it is to eat to reduce your blood pressure through dietary changes and lifestyle changes. Come and find out how.
Category Archives: Classes
Anti-ageing: Nourish Your Skin and Starve Your Wrinkles

Look younger and feel stronger. Embrace your anti-ageing lifestyle today with no nonsense clean nutritious foods.
Are you interested in ageing gracefully, slowing down the ageing process or even reversing ageing? Do you want to live pain-free? Or do you simply want to look 10 years younger? We examine what happens to your physiology when you eat too much food and how this could accelerate ageing. Learn to shop and cook clean, natural foods to maximise your nutrient intake and help your body to rejuvenate. Learn the seven essential health principles adopted by the Gawler Foundation for healthy living and preserve your youth and live your best life.
Live the secrets to youthful appearance:
- Good Nutrition
- Meditation
- Mind Mastery
- Emotional Healing
- Quest for the Meaning of Life or Life’s Purpose
- Exercise
- Surround yourself with Rock-solid Positive Support Structure
Cooking Colorectal Cancer Prevention
Did you know that colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Australia?
This is the reason why the government has engaged in a nation-wide screening program for colorectal cancer for individuals 50 years and above. Recently, there has been a great deal of publicity on the Human Micro Biome Project as evidence mounts that resident good quality bacteria in the gut are responsible for good intestinal health, reduced incidence of debilitating bowel conditions like Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, etc. However, the actual hands-on work to teach people to eat better to protect their bowel health is still severely lacking. To date, the only cancer prevention initiatives rely on early detection through regular screening programs / colonoscopies to remove developing tumours or polyps. This is a reactive approach to cancer treatment and turns a blind eye on the spat of published trials in quality peer-reviewed journals garnering evidence on the outstanding role resistance starches play in colorectal cancer prevention.
Come and learn how to eater better to reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer. Would you say that no once knows you better you? Come and learn to be your own nutritionist and your own doctor, create your own personalised weekly dietary plan, make dietary and lifestyle changes that will stand you in good stead as you take constructive steps each day to make yourself more cancer-resistant. What is there to lose as you take powerful actions to improve your odds of staying well and reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer?
Nutritionally Complete Vegan Cooking
Are you, your patients or your family on a vegan diet? Do you worry that their diet may not be nutritionally complete? Have you had your blood work done and do you have any nutritional deficiencies? Are you low in iron, zinc, vitamin B12 etc.? Do you feel chronically tired or devoid of energy to carry out your daily tasks? Or are you considering going on a vegan diet to improve your health? If you are, this course is for you.
Cooking for Food Intolerances

Could these “healthy foods” be making you sick? Find out more about common food chemicals and food intolerances.
Do you suspect that you might have a common food intolerance? Do you develop mysterious hives or eczema whenever you have certain foods? Do you think you could have an intolerance to salicylates, amines, glutamates or a combination of these common food chemicals? Do you feel confused and find yourself confined to eating a narrow range of boring foods or avoid eating out altogether because you simply do not know what to eat to not feel bad later? Combat taste fatigue by introducing a new exciting range of delicious allowed/safe foods into your diet. Come and learn to cook and create your very own 7-day weekly dietary plan for managing common food intolerances.
Cooking for Coeliac Disease
Have you or your patient be diagnosed with coeliac disease?
Are you confused by the plethora of indiscernible information out there on what foods to eat and what foods to avoid? Do you want to learn to read labels for ease of shopping? Find out how long term exposure to gluten can lead to osteoporosis, nutritional deficiencies and gastrointestinal malignancies. Learn to cook delicious gluten-free foods, free yourself from diarrhoea, chronic gastro-intestinal upset, persistent pain and unidentified weight loss all promising to debilitate your health and zap all your energy reserves. Learn to be an instant “gluten-sleuth”. Shop at the supermarket and order your food in a restaurant with confidence. Feel better instantly and restore your health. Put malnutrition squarely behind you as you design your personalised weekly dietary plan for gluten-free eating. After this therapeutic cooking class, you will be so gluten-savvy, making good food choices will be a breeze. What’s more you will have loads of fun doing it as well.
Anti-Cancer Diet You Must Know
This course is specially created for health professionals and cancer patients in remission from cancer treatment. If you are looking for evidence-based lifestyle medicine for the prevention and management of cancer, this is for you. Good nutrition is the foundation for the seven principles of health and well-being. In our cooking class, we will focus on the plant-based anti-cancer diet. Learn how to invoke healing through sound nutritional choices, juicing for maximum nutritional value of plant-based whole organic foods and reap the immediate rewards of feeling energised and rejuvenated instantly
Tame Your Irritable Bowel
This course is specially created for health professionals and patients suffering hypercholesterolaemia (irritable bowel syndrome).
You will learn about FODMAPS and how to create a personalised FODMAPS diet through recipe renovation and dietary modification. We will demystify this condition and make it so simple; you will be an instant supermarket sleuth. You will receive step by step instructions on meal-preparation methods and cook the low FODMAPS way and feel better right away. If you are tired of suffering IBS symptoms and have had enough of navigating through minefield of “mysterious offending foods”, this course is for you or your patients or family members.
Natural Alternatives to Statins for lowering your Blood Cholesterol Levels
This course is specially created for health professionals and patients suffering hypercholesterolaemia.
What is your blood cholesterol level? Are you, your patients or loved ones on statins to reduce serum blood cholesterol levels? How much statin are you on? 10mg, 20mg, 40mg or even 80mg? Do you experience, fatigue and muscle pain with your prescription drugs? Do you want to reduce your reliance on these drugs and still keep you blood cholesterol levels within the acceptable range? Find our how to manage your hypercholesterolaemia with natural alternatives, dietary and lifestyle changes.
In this course, we will demystify this condition and you will receive step by step instructions on meal-preparation methods so simple and effective you will be totally amazed. Come and create your own personalised weekly dietary plan and take the first steps towards better health and feel better right away.
Diabetes Management
Are you frustrated your patients are not achieving normal blood sugar levels? Do you want to see their HbA1C go down without increasing their metformin or sulphonylureas? Did you know that eating a low GI diet is almost as effected as prescription medicine in lowering blood sugar levels? Come and join us in this course and generate results by combining evidence-based science with the art of eating for better health. If you are suffering from diabetes and do not want to go on insulin or you simply want to be properly equipped to better manage your diabetes, this course is also for you.